
Recycling Symbol: How to Become Famous



1.     Hitch a Ride…with a man from Wisconsin.  Gaylord Nelson, a senator from “America’s Dairyland” laid the foundation and awareness for Earth Day. He staffed and managed offices dedicated to answering questions about the new holiday. Nelson7 designed Earth Day to bring the environment and its plight into politics. It acknowledged the damage to the planet and the need to preserve the earth. The first Earth day took place on April 22, 1970.  An estimated 20 million people joined in festivities around America.


2.     Go to College…with Gary Dean Anderson. In Aspen, Colorado in the spring of 1970, a scholarship contest Gary Dean Anderson, a student from University of Southern California, became the winner of a contest, which devised the symbol nationally recognized for recycling. He used the Mobius Strip, a amazing loop drawing, as inspiration to engineer the simple three arrows.   He drew the arrows with paper and pencil; he did not use a software designing program.                


3.     Lead the Call for Change… long before Obama.  The recycling symbol, most of   the world uses today, descends from the Anderson’s winning entry.  Most often seen in the United States is the outline or filled version of the motif.  The recycling motif symbolizes recycling in all of its components. The philosophy associated with the symbol calls for the world to recycle, reuse, and reduce.   For thirty-nine years, the recycling symbol continues to associate with all earth perseveration efforts.                                                                   

4.     Impact… the world.  Those thirty-eight years were worth every moment.  Politics and the environment joined particularly as the economy declined.  Recycling became cheaper then the way of life Americans have led with “throw way” choices like paper towels, and plastic forks.  Today, the symbol means more than to recycle paper, plastics, glass, and metals. Products use markings within the recycling arrows to note what kind of material and how much recycled material within the material. With rising prices, the symbol takes on the roll of reducing costs, symbolizes freedom from fossil fuels. The recycling symbol and the industries embraces its well-practiced principals will help ensure a brighter, greener, and happier future for all Americans. 



Copyright 2008 @ Amy Gouger



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